Service & Aftercare Update

Service & Aftercare Update

The Service & Aftercare module has received a major update. This update has been implemented to provide a better experience for all users of the module. In this document, we discuss the new developments per user role.

Project Manager

  • Standard access to the Service & Aftercare column. Previously, you had to check a box. This has now been reversed: the column is visible by default, but this can be adjusted.
  • Access to the Service & Aftercare dashboard and notifications of new issues.
  • All residences remain visible. When a residence gets the status ‘aftercare’, it remains visible to the project manager. However, you can choose not to show it in your overview via the ‘Show aftercare residences’ button.
  • Ability to handle Service & Aftercare reports.
  • If the Service & Aftercare plug-in is activated, but there is no aftercare employee or project manager who can handle reports, you will see a warning on the plug-in page: “Attention! There is no (service) employee linked to this project who can handle reports.”
  • All project managers receive a notification when a client creates a report, but no one is linked to handle the report.


  • You can forward pre-inspection/delivery reports made via the forms plug-in to other project managers within the current project.

Project Manager & Aftercare employee

  • When you go to a service dossier, residences that do not have access to this dossier are shown in gray.
  • Nowadays, all user roles can be assigned to an action.
  • The aftercare dashboard shows a maximum of 500 reports. More reports caused problems with exports. You can use the search function to find the desired reports and export them if needed.
  • When you have linked an employee to a specific category in the decision tree, so they are automatically linked to the reports made within this group, but the employee is not yet linked to the project, they will be automatically added as soon as a report is created in this category.
  • The Service & Aftercare dashboard has received tabs. For example, there is a special tab for managing the subcontractors. Do you have assigned actions? Then you also have a separate tab for this.


Aftercare employee

  • Ability to assign reports to colleagues. If this colleague is not yet linked to the project, this will be done automatically.
  • Improved ‘Home’ button. Previously, when you went to a project and clicked ‘Home’, you returned to the dashboard. This is now the home page of the project.


  • Notification counter displays notifications from all projects.
  • Easily switch between different projects/user roles. Under the project switch button, there is now a ‘Service’ button that takes you to the subcontractor dashboard.
    • The number of open actions is also mentioned here.
  • On the subcontractor dashboard, actions are shown from new to old.
  • An extra column ‘Project’ has been added where you can see the project name and number.


  • If a user has been assigned a Service & Aftercare action on a project, they will see a new “project” under the project switch button, called ‘Service Portal’, indicating how many open actions they have. Clicking on this will take you to the subcontractor dashboard.
  • If a user has access to the Service & Aftercare dashboard and is not currently there, they will see a new “project” under the project switch button, called ‘Service Portal’. This also indicates how many unhandled reports there are and how many open reports they have.




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