Contact MyBuildAssist

Do you have a question or comment about MyBuildAssist? Then you can easily reach us by phone at +31 513 744 169. Or fill in our contact form. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Also, take a look at our frequently asked questions. Perhaps your question has already been answered there.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about MyBuildAssist

    Who is MyBuildAssist for?

    For construction companies, developers, housing corporations, and real estate maintenance companies. In short, for all companies involved in guiding clients, tenants, or residents in housing projects.

    What can I do with MyBuildAssist?

    With MyBuildAssist, you have all communication and information regarding a housing project in one environment. Order confirmations, quotes, and messages: all information is gathered in one place. Convenient for you as a project manager to maintain an overview and manage expectations well. For clients, it is an easy way to go through the entire process. Everything happens within one environment.

    What can I do as a product supplier with MyBuildAssist?
    • Create a link with a digital showroom; clients can go to the supplier’s showroom with the click of a button. The choices made are transferred to MyBuildAssist.
    • Access the general files. As a kitchen supplier, you can upload kitchen quotes and see client details and the status of the kitchen.
    • If you, as a product supplier, do not have your own digital showroom, you can compile a list of your products. You can place this in the digital showroom of MyBuildAssist. You will receive an order confirmation and order overview once the clients have made their choices.
    What benefits does MyBuildAssist offer for clients?
    • Saves time
    • Provides an overview
    • Prevents mistakes
    • Ensures satisfied customers
    • Pay-per-use
    What does MyBuildAssist cost?

    The costs for purchase residences are £85 per residence and £50 per rental residence. Further information can be found on the pricing page.

    What are the advantages?
    • Reduce failure costs.
    • Pay per use.
    • Create an overview for every party.
    • Communicate clearly.
    • Ensure good expectation management.
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